Sunday, August 31, 2008

drunk mail to a girl #5132

disappeared and lost:)
waiting in the shadows
not just to you, mermaid woman

time to reap, time to sow – and so on...
i haven’t been writing people emails anymore
not like then
i go to the beach now
it will end
when i’m back at the mountains i’ll have no beaches to go to
i go to the beach with a guy who likes climbing
and another guy told me this story about the rise and fall of a karate gym
he was there and he trained and he won
and his master was serious
and his master got famous
and his master got greedy
and the days of sweat were transformed
into participation medals to the many beginners
and he moved to kung fu
and he trained and he won
and he moved to thai boxing
and he’s worried about training his capoeira better
and i go to the beach with him too
and a guy who played professional volley and likes jiu-jitsu
and can cook things he learned with his mother
and they’re as good friends as i could ever hope to have
and it feels good
and there’s this argentinean guy who plays the guitar like a tangobossanova devil
and this french girl who smiles like girls can smile and make guys write things about their smiles throughout History
when she’s just happy and distracted and she smiles
and all these people
all the time
while i feel so alone
there’s all these people
i could say many, many more
and i like them all
and they’re here, as i blink
and we go to the beach and we
drink claras
i’m just one
i can’t manage to be all the places i’d like to be
right now
and it’s definitely not
in a computer
writing mails
but you
call for me
and how could i just say nothing?
you’re write
i haven’t been saying anything to you for so long
and you say
and i’m here
to tell you such a stupid thing
it’s my conclusion, after spending long minutes staring this screen
thinking of what to say
what i got to
at the end
i must tell you
is this:

you’re a door, in my life
you’re just there
and i’m far, far away
a long time ago, but somehow in the future
i’m there
but i haven’t forgotten
i saw you there
a door
to my life

when i’m around i’ll ring it
i won’t forget
don’t you worry about my disappearance
i saw what you can do
i saw you through the fire, i guess
and you laughed of it
and all the beauty i saw in you
took form
from smoke
to stone
and i know
i’ll ring it
and i’ll bring a flower
and i can only hope if you disappear too
it doesn’t mean
that you forgot

a kiss


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